Sunday, November 28, 2010

Les vacances de Monsieur Hulot - Trailer


Grails - Burden Of Hope

Horned Furniture - Michel Haillard

Furniture from Michel Haillard featured in this post causes mixed feelings. On the one hand, it is striking in its concept, quality of performance, its luxury eventually. On the other hand there is an idea that this furniture is from hell. To produce all this infernal furniture were used the most drastic materials starting from crocodile and ostrich skin and ending with horns and tusks of wild animals. Also it was created not without natural fur, which are covered inside cabinets and drawers. The frame and trim are made from wood, bronze and silver. By the way studio working with the material of the customer. You bring the skin of dead animals, and in return get the furniture made from it. It is part of the interior and the subject of hunting pride at the same time. Naturally, every piece is unique and the price for it is transcendental.

Horned Furniture


Wendy Bevan

Antoine d'Agata

“It isn’t the eye that photography poses on the world that interests me but its most intimate rapport with that world” 
Antoine d’Agata

The Take-Away Shows - Vincent Moon

The Take away shows are la Blogotheque’s first video podcasts.
Every week, we invite an artist or a band to play in the streets, in a bar, a park, or even in a flat or in an elevator, and we film the whole session. Of course, what makes the beauty of it is all the little incidents, hesitations, and crazy stuff happening unexpectingly. Besides, we do not edit the videos so they look perfectly flawless, instead we keep the raw sound of the surroundings. Our goal is to try and capture instants, film the music just like it happens, without preparation, without tricks. Spontaneity is the keyword.
The Take away shows exist since April 2006. There was Chryde, who wanted to shake things up and find another way to share music, and there was Vincent Moon, who wanted to film music differently. Chryde offered Moon to go and film musicians in the city, Moon seized the idea and glorified it. Since then, other directors across the world joined this project, and we plan to extend it worldwide.
The team:
Chryde - Founder, Art producer Vincent Moon - Founder, Director
Editors : Lucas Archambault / Nathanaël Le Scouarnec / Timothée Deirex
Sound : JB Aubonnet / Dominique Ciekala / François Clos
Production : Antoine Viviani / Nora Bouazzouni / Alexandre Lenot (Garrincha)
Other directors : Jeremiah (Kidam) / Nate Chan / One Shot Seattle / One Take New York / Ty (Hecho el Cine) / Val3rie

#10.1 - Grizzly bear - Shift
Uploaded by lablogotheque. - Discover more animation and arts videos.

Architecture in helsinki - #58.1 -Heart it races
Uploaded by lablogotheque. - Discover more animation and arts videos.

Vincent Moon (real name Mathieu Saura, is an independent filmmaker from Paris mainly known for having created a little revolution in the relationship between cinema and music, with his field work music videos of indie rockrelated musicians as well as some notable mainstream artists like Tom JonesR.E.M. or Arcade Fire. Besides making music videos he also makes experimental films and documentaries. His 2009 film, La Faute Des Fleurs about Japanese singer Kazuki Tomokawa won the Sound & Vision Award at the film's world premiere at CPH:DOX - the Copenhagen International Documentary Festival - in November 2009. He has been living on the road since January 2009, experimenting on nomadic cinema and traveling to film rare musicians around the world. He now works alone or with people he finds on the road, and most of the time without money involved in the projects, trying to redefine the limits of cinema in the 21st century. In 2011 he will begin work on his new collection of recordings, Petites Planetes, dedicated to experimentation between images and sounds, shot around the world.

- Ívar Hollanders

Þögli þjónninn er sígildur gamanleikur eftir Nóbelsverðlaunahafann Harold Pinter.
Í loftlausu kjallaraherbergi bíða tveir leigumorðingjar eftir næstu skipun. Þeir hafa unnið saman í fjölda ára, en í dag er eitthvað ekki eins og það á að vera. Undarlegar skipanir berast með matarlyftunni – að ofan.
Atli Þór Albertsson og Guðmundur Ólafsson fara á kostum sem þeir Ben og Gus í þessum listilega skrifaða sígilda gamanleik.
Þýðing: Gunnar Þorsteinsson
Leikstjóri: Jón Gunnar Þórðarson
Leikmynd: Bjarki Árnason, Dýri B. Hreiðarsson og leikhópurinn
Búningar: Leikhópurinn
Leikarar: Atli Þór Albertsson, Guðmundur Ólafsson

"Harold Pinter er eitt af merkustu leikskáldum Breta á síðustu öld. Hann náði að slá einstæðan persónulegan tón í samtalslist sinni og endurnýjaði um leið enskan leiksviðsprósa. Blómaskeið hans var á sjöunda og áttunda áratugnum. Langbesta verk hans er Húsvörðurinn sem er eitt af meistaraverkum tuttugustualdarleikhússins. Á síðari árum Pinters skrifaði hann æ minna fyrir sviðið en lét mikið að sér kveða sem pólitískur aktívisti. Þegar hann fékk Nóbelinn árið 2005 hafði hann löngu sungið sitt síðasta sem leikskáld. Hann var þá orðinn reiður gamall maður sem fór honum ágætlega. Hatrömm barátta hans gegn Íraksstríðinu var glæstur lokaþáttur á ferlinum. Við hefðum þurft að eiga einhvern slíkan hér heima, en það áttum við ekki."

Harold Pinter
- LIM 203

Koyaanisqatsi - Philip Glass

-LIM 203

"Discover the true value of free music"

Gutter Guitar - Slikk Tim  [jazz, blues, soul, swing, harbop]

The White Tiger - Aravind Adiga

"The White Tiger is the debut novel by Indian author Aravind Adiga. It was first published in 2008 and won the Man Booker Prize in the same year.The novel provides a dark comical view of modern day life in India through the narration of Balram Halwai, the main character. The overall main theme of the novel is the contrast between India's rise as a modern global economy and the working class people who live in crushing rural poverty.Other themes touched on include corruption endemic to Indian society and politics, familial loyalty versus independence, religious tensions between Hindus and Muslims, the experience of returning to India after living in America, globalization, and the tensions between India and China as superpower countries in Asia."

The White Tiger - Wiki
- Axel Bragi

Free Textures - Kerstin Frank Art

In the Wood

- Free Textures
Kerstin Frank Art's Photostream

Sleeba Artworks

"Sleeba is one of the U.K.’s top artists specialising in silk screen poster design.
He has produced original art for Oasis, The Who, Led Zeppelin, Cream, Kings of Leon, Queen, Beach Boys amongst many, many more.
He is at present working in conjunction with White Duck Screen Print producing work of such beauty and magnificence that it has been reducing grown men to tears and fair maidens to swoon....Please contact for further information and idle chit chat."

Sleeba Artworks

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Twelve Monkeys

-Aldís Dagmar

Pippi Zornoza

-Óttar & Óskar

How to Mix Hand Drawing Sketch With Photo

Beth Bojarski

555 KUBIK | Facade Projection - Urbanscreen

"How it would be, if a house was dreaming"

The conception of this project consistently derives from its underlying architecture - the theoretic conception and visual pattern of the Hamburg Kunsthalle. The Basic idea of narration was to dissolve and break through the strict architecture of O. M. Ungers "Galerie der Gegenwart". Resultant permeabilty of the solid facade uncovers different interpretations of conception, geometry and aesthetics expressed through graphics and movement. A situation of reflexivity evolves - describing the constitution and spacious perception of this location by means of the building itself.


Art Direction: Daniel Rossa -
Technical Director: Thorsten Bauer
3D Operator: David Starmann
Sound Design : Jonas Wiese
Realized with mediaserver

555 KUBIK was awarded a Silver Lion in Cannes [] and Silver by the
Art Directors Club Germany []

An extended version of this documentation can be found here:​5677104

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Big Bad Voodoo Daddy - Mr. Pinstripe Suit

Bid Dad Voodoo Daddy 
Origin - Ventura, California
Genres -  Swing, Big Band
Years Active -  1989 - Present

Friday, November 5, 2010

Sirkus Sóley

Sirkus Sóley

Sirkus Sóley

Sirkus Sóley

Sirkus Sóley

Sirkus Sóley

Sirkus Sóley

Sirkus Sóley

Sirkus Sóley

Björk Guðmundsdóttir - Hyper Ballad

we live on a mountain
right at the top
there's a beautiful view
from the top of the mountain
every morning i walk towards the edge
and throw little things off
car-parts, bottles and cutlery
or whatever i find lying around

it's become a habit
a way
to start the day

i go through this
before you wake up
so i can feel happier
to be safe up here with you

it's real early morning
no-one is awake
i'm back at my cliff
still throwing things off
i listen to the sounds they make
on their way down
i follow with my eyes 'til they crash
imagine what my body would sound like
slamming against those rocks

and when it lands
will my eyes
be closed or open?

i'll go through all this
before you wake up
so i can feel happier
to be safe up here with you
